Dolor for Misdeeds

When the remains of a previously missing man are unearthed at a construction site, Jake Connors is forced to deal with a past that he had hoped to never see again. Jake's world comes crashing down just as he is on the verge of fulfilling his career dream as a college football coach. Jake finds himself in a struggle not only over inner anguish but also for life itself.

Set in Louisville, Kentucky, Dolor for Misdeeds is a fast paced, emotionally stirring depiction of a man dealing with his ugly past at just the moment when everything else favors his unbridled success. The novel begins with the discovery of the body of a man who had been missing for 14 years. Suddenly this local celebrity finds himself hounded by a detective, but the detective is the least of his worries as another foe seeks to destroy him.

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Chapter One Excerpt

The murder had been imprisoned in the basement of his mind. Put away like Fortunato in the farthest depths of the wine cellar, memory occasionally hinted to him that there was something there behind the brick wall that he didn't want to ever deal with again. Any stray thought would be immediately escorted there and jailed with the others to be forever kept from the normal realm of the day.

Influence in Writing

Dolor for Misdeeds is the culmination of several influences in my life and writing. As my first novel, DFM was really the one project to date that I have been able to dedicate enough time and interest in to see it to completion. If you read the book, I think you might see where some of the following things fit into the story.

One of the influences of the "misdeeds" aspect was certainly Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky. While I do not dare compare my own writing to that of Dostoevsky, the genius of his description of Raskolnikov certainly motivated me to imagine a character who was suffering such psychological distortion for his actions. Most of us have a few things which come to mind in our past lives that we wish we had never done, albeit short of murder.

Another influence that shows up in Dolor for Misdeeds was my own personal experience on a jury for a murder trial. Sequestered with the jury for the better part of a week, I was intrigued by the process of "a jury of one's peers" and the dynamics that make up a such a group. I had just read Grisham's The Runaway Jury a few weeks before the event, and in some sense I felt that I was living the experience for those few days.

Finally, Jeremiah 17:9 states that "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?" The corruption of the human heart by sin is something we can only begin to understand in this lifetime, and the effects of sinful actions are often greater than we could ever imagine. We justify our own secrets by whatever means, while there is really no such thing as pure objectivity when it comes to ourselves.